After Dragoncon

As I was leaving DragonCon on Labor day, I saw this couple passed out on a ledge at the hotel.  I couldn't help but take a photo, thought I took it from angle where I couldn't get a good shot of their faces.  A guy who was watching remarked that everyone else took the face close up.    I think they were dressed up as Frankenteens.

Reasons I go to DragonCon #1

Reasons I go to DragonCon #1

It's her fault I go to DragonCon.  Yes, let's blame it on the child. I mean teen.

View from Westin DragonCon Host Hotel

Amazing view from Westin Hotel
Atlanta Ga
DragonCon 2012

We had a very high floor.... I think 43 or something.  Riding the elevator was a bear, but we eventually worked out a system.  Since there were still a good number of floors above us, we could never get in an elevator going down, so eventually, we started following the mantra, WHAT GOES UP MUST GO DOWN,  and started getting on the up elevator instead.  Worked every time.

Positives about Westin... an older crowd was there, and all the steampunk and costuming tracks were at this hotel.  Not too crazy which is great when you have kids with you.

Negatives... had to leave the hotel to see the best costumes.

Too bad host hotels were sold out immediately this year, but never mind that.  If I am going to pay $180 a night, I might as well stay at the Ritz Carleton and get my money's worth.  Will let you know how it works out.

Darkened Facade 2

Darkened Facade, dark elves, black elves
Dragoncon 2012
All photos property of Leslie Hermitt

Darkened Facade

Darkened Facade, Dark Elves
Dragoncon Parade
September 2012

All photos are property of Leslie Hermitt

Ghostbusters parade 2

More Ghostbusters, and some dudes hairy arm and camera!

Dragoncon parade September 2012

All photos owned by Leslie Hermitt

GhostBusters Parade


Dragoncon parade
September 2012

All photos owned by Leslie Hermitt

Netherworld float 2

Another great photo from the Netherworld float.

Dragoncon parade, September 2012

Netherworld Dragoncon 2012

This is from the Netherworld float from Dragoncon 2012

All photos on this blog belong to Leslie Hermitt

Box Superheroes

Box Superheroes
DragonCon Parade
Sept 2012

All photos on this site are property of Leslie Hermitt


Bat Car photo

DragonCon 2012

Just getting around to uploading photos from DragonCon

All photos on this site are the property of Leslie Hermitt